On Friday, December 10, at 10:02am, near 51st Ave and Thunderbird, a thief made off with a package from the doorstep Glendale resident Jeremiah's home.
The thief fled in a sedan, possibly an Acura (comment below if you know the make and model of this vehicle).
The thief appeared to be a middle aged white woman with dirty blonde mid-length hair sporting grey pants, a sleeveless top, a large wristwatch, sand brown shoes, several unidentifiable arm tattoos, and a cigarette hanging from her mouth. “She looked like a female version of Joe Dirt.”
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5 Responses
She hang out at 53av and Saint Moritz Lane
She lives 11639 North 81st avenue Peoria Arizona
I now that chick she a no good thief she goes around will coma area and 51st and freaking steals from cars trucks whatever she can people’s garages she’s a thief that needs to go down for her crimes
I see her at circle K 51st avenue and Thunderbird all the time usually riding a BMX bike with a backpack on
And on her left shoulder she has a tattoo of a skull